About Lanzilo
This is our beautiful very muscular male “Lanzilo or You-Chuan French Bull Dog Pro FCI” (Red / Fawn) (import Taiwan)
Lanzilo is a beautiful, very well-built dog with a longer back, a clear nose and snout, full jaws, good tail, nice wide breast, and an enormous amount of stamina and energy. Lanzilo has no respiratory problems at all and he also jumps up and down without any problems. Lanzilo is a real asset to our kennel in terms of health and type! He does not play with adult males on his own grounds but outside his own area he can do everything and he loves people and children a lot!
Even with the extreme heat here in Hungary with 40 degrees he has a completely free breathing without any noise.
He passes on his construction (type) free breathing and character to his offspring in combination with a healthy female.
“At the bottom of the page are all the comprehensive health results that we do”
Health results
Lanzilo has been fully tested by 16 months of age (including a x-ray of his back) (more X-rays were in that time not made at the French Bulldog specialist at Sleeuwijk) See these first beautiful results at the bottom of the page.
Lanzilo has been tested for the second time at 6 years and 6 months of age (including x-ray of his back, knees, elbows, hips and larynx) “with very good results for his age” See these second results and the minor changes at the bottom of this page. We are very proud of Lanzilo!
Lanzilo was tested at 16 months and again on 6 years for physical hereditary defects including X-rays (knees, elbows, back, hips, larynx)
And he is also tested (by means of DNA) for all possible genetic hereditary defects.
For all results see health results at the bottom of the page!
Lanzilo is in possession of a MyDogDNA profile click here
⇒ Health results are always available for puppy buyers!
⇒ X-rays are only emailed to the specialist and not to the owner to prevent abuse
⇒ All our dogs undergo a throat inspection under general anesthesia !!!
⇒Bugatti is not a carrier of the blue, Merle and Black & Tan!
Our dogs are tested for 203 hereditary defects!!!
MyDogDNA profile:
See link on this page
- Cone-Rod Dystrophy (cord1-PRA / crd4): Carrrier
- CMR1 Canine Multifocal Retinopathy: Free
- HUU Hyperuricosuria: Free
- MH Malignant Hyperthermia: Free
- Degeneratieve myelopatie (DM): Free
- Multi-Drug Resistance 1, (MDR1): Free
- Cystinurie type 3: Carrier
- HC-HSF4 Hereditary Cataract: Free
- Chondrodystrophy (CDDY): Risk Info click here
- Chondrodysplasia (CDPA) Free
- Blue carrier: No
- Merle carrier: No
- Black & Tan carrier: No
- DNA certificate: Yes
First health results with 16 months of age: (including X-ray back)
- Heart: good
- Breathing: good
- Respiratory murmur: no
- Nostrils: large
- Skin and coat: goed
- Ear canal: good
- Eyes: entriopion: Very slightly on his lower right eye and upper left eye(second opinion completely free)
- ectropion: free
- Third eyelid & Cherry-eye: free
- Luxating Patella (joints): free
- Subluxatie (hip joint) free
- Tail: pintail: good
- Construction and whirling colum: (X-ray back)
- Spondylosis: free
- Thoracic vertebrae: free
- Lumbar vertebrae: free
- Spine-pelvis transition: free
- Weight: 13 Kilo
Second health results with 6 years and 6 months old (including x-rays back, knees, elbows, hips and larynx)
- Heart: Good
- Breathing: (costo-abdominal) Good
- Elongated soft palate: Low present
- Thickened soft palte: No
- Enlarged tonsoils: No
- Narrow trachea(trachea hypoplasin) No
- Trachea size: 1,4 Centimeter (X-ray)
- Larynx: Normal
- Respiratory murmur: Low present, it's his age)
- Nostrils: Moderate
- Skin and coat: Good
- Ear canal: Good
- Eyes: entriopion & ectropion: Free
- Third eyelid & Cherry-eye: Free
- Lacrmation: High (26mm/min)
- Luxating Patella (joints): Free (X-ray)
- Subluxatie (hip joint): A Free (X-ray)
- Tail: pintail: Good
- Construction and whirling column: (X-ray back)
- Spondylosis: Good
- Thoracic vertebrae: T5
- Lumbar vertebrae: Free
- Spine-pelvis transition: Free
- Tail vertebrae: Good
- Weight: 14 Kilo